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Elevating Your Business with Video Content

More than 83% of all internet users in the United States watch online videos monthly. Over 54% of consumers want to see more video content from a brand or business they support. If you’re looking to meet the demands of consumers, you need to consider adding video content to your repertoire.

What Does Video Content Mean for Brands?

Due to the demand increasing, video content for businesses is a powerful marketing tool. It increases engagement and improves brand trust. Consumers are influenced with their purchasing decisions while watching video content. They are seeking relevant, fresh content that resonates with them. The best part about utilizing video is that you can explain everything in a format that is preferred by users.

Advantages of Using Video Content

  • Search engines favor videos
  • Consumers share videos on social media platforms
  • Better SEO ranking
  • Visually showcase your business
  • Endless creative possibilities
  • Visual customer testimonials 

Why Hire a Video Production Company?

Anyone can shoot a video with their smartphone, but not everyone has the equipment and acumen to know how to shoot a video in any condition and edit it seamlessly. The benefits to hiring a video production company is that the company will have the best equipment, professional video crew to film the shoot and edit the footage (transitions, animation, lighting, and much more), and it saves you time and money. If you want professional videos that leave a lasting impact, choosing a professional video production company is the way to go.

There are three type of videos that have the most success: educational, brand storytelling, and entertainment. When thinking about what you are trying to convey in your video, it is best to categorize your message. Are you wanting to provide the viewer with educational content? Do you want to tell the story of your brand? Do you want to leave a lasting impression with an entertaining video?

A professional video production company will meet with you to discuss your concept and will create a visually impactful piece that will expand your reach; ultimately, boosting your sales. SCB specializes in video content as well as additional business marketing. Contact us today for to get a quote!